Karambi - Natural

Altitude: 1300 – 1600 m.a.s.l.
Processing: Community Natural. Hand-picked, farmer processed
Harvest: October 2023
Variety: SL14 and SL28 and some older regional landrace varieties.
Cup profile: A rounded and balanced coffee with sweetness and a mild acidity.


For 1 – 3 Bags £5.90 per Kg
For 4 – 9 Bags £5.70 per Kg
For 10 bags £5.50 per Kg

Supplied in 60 Kg Grainpro lined jute bags. Prices ex CWT Warehouse, Tilbury. Delivery per Pallet from £60 to £100 plus VAT depending on location.

Small volumes from 5 Kg also supplied, please enquire.
Martin Rowland Tel. 07814 798724 email: martin.rowland@agrievolve.com

In the foothills of the Rwenzoris in western Uganda, farmers traditionally process their coffee using the Natural method. The coffee is harvested and dried in the open before being hulled. The green coffee is known locally as ‘Drugar’.

Agri Evolve buy the very best available, paying the farmers promptly at a high market rate. The dry coffee beans are then cleaned and processed to a high standard using modern machinery in our new Coffee Station. This is ‘Drugar plus’, or, as we name it KARAMBI. It is not the same high quality as the other coffees we process, and it is priced accordingly and probably best used as a blending component to bring good acidity and fruit flavour to a blend of coffees.

Karambi is the name of a community at the southern end of the Rwenzoris where we work with the farmers and their communities. We have been particularly involved with tree planting in this area.

Karambi has an SCA score of 83. It is a rounded and balanced coffee, sweet and with a mild acidity and notes of dried fruit and dark chocolate. It benefits from a more developed roast profile.

The photo shows Lenardi, one of our Field Officers, checking on shade trees supplied to our farmers.

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